It has been months since we last posted a blog. Honestly we were completely caught off guard in early Spring with the lockdown and quarantine measures in Chicago. We were preparing for a very busy season, when everything changed overnight! It has been couple of very stressful months with many engagement and wedding postponements, dealing with new government and city rules. We have suffered tremendously as a small business but we can not even imagine how stressful this has been for all of our clients. They had to reorganize everything, pay extra fees, cancel flights and hotels for guests, sign new contracts, make another Save the date cards among everything else. We are truly grateful for all the support from our clients!

Lauren and Sylvester have a wedding scheduled for mid September. They still don’t know if it is going to happen or not. We kept postponing their engagement, originally set for mid April. We were finally able to do it last week of June. Most of the popular city locations were still closed but we managed to get the best of it. Chicago riverwalk never fails. One of the best city locations with many bridges, sun-lit river, architectural heaven. Lauren and Sylvester were amazing to work with and it felt sooooo good to go back to work!

Our hope is that all of this is going to be behind us soon. We will go back to normal. In the meantime, you have our promises to be your advocate and to do what’s best for you. So please keep in touch and keep us updated with what’s going on.

We cannot wait to document your love story soon 🙂

You can check out more of our engagement work here.